review of website with embedded hReview microformat metadata is the leading TV show reference/reviews site
Jun 19, 2006 by Johnny Software
The richest, most comprehensive website about television shows on the whole Internet would have to be
There are many websites that serve up the current TV schedule. There are a bunch that list a single capsule summary about a large number of shows.
But is different.
The site has an entry for virtually every television series ever made. It has a bunch of reviews for a gigantic number of shows - both series and, unbelievably, episodes as well.
Not only that, but in true social web fashion, the series, episodes, and even actors - are rated. The ratings are on a scale of 0.0 to 10.0. Effectively, this means there are 101 possible scores an item can receive each time it is rated.
The site ranks shows too. It also categorizes them by genre.
In addition to all these things and a whole lot more. It also tells you when your favorite shows are airing this week and on which channels you receive they will be shown on.
Every user gets his or her own blog to write in. Users are encouraged to post to their blogs regularly.
In forums, users can post and read messages discussing TV shows, the website itself, and other topics.
Users an look at other user's profile pages, read those user's blogs, and contact them via the site's own internal messaging system.
A user's profile page indicates what types of shows they like to watch, some of their favorite shows, who some of their contacts are, what contributions they have made to the site, and so forth.
Here is what a user profile page looks like:
The site awards users points for doing useful things. As the number of points a user has goes up, his Level number increases. With higher levels, greater responsibility & ability is awarded.
If you are a television fan, then you should be a user. It is free, it is fun, and it is waiting for you right now.
Note this blog post has been encoded with hReview standard format microformat metadata in order to make it easily digestible by social web services like and modern web browsers like Firefox 2.0.
Technorati is already indexing the hREview and other microformat metadata in blogs.
To prove it, you can search for all reviews involving television.
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