Johnny's Software Saloon

Weblog where I discuss things that really interest me. Things like Java software development, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Macintosh software, Cocoa, Eclipse IDE, OOP, content management, XML technologies, CSS and XSLT document styling, artificial intelligence, standard document formats, and cool non-computing technologies.

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Location: Germantown, Maryland, United States

I like writing software, listening to music (mostly country and rock but a little of everything), walking around outside, reading (when I have the time), relaxing in front of my TV watching my TiVo, playing with my cat, and riding around in my hybrid gas/electric car.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Laptops Now More Popular Than Desktops

Given that the price of a MacBook Pro from Apple and a generic Wintel notebook from Dell are about the same price, the rising popularity of notebooks could raise the significance of that fact.

According to a recent ABC News article Laptops Now More Popular Than Desktops in the USA.

Apple managed to limbo dance the lowest price of a Mac last year down under $500 (USD). This year, they have got their professional grade notebook's price down under $2000.

In the past, people would justify the cost of a PC by saying it cost a fraction of the price of an Apple Macintosh computer. Probably fair, considering a PC was a fraction of an Apple Macintosh computer.

Now with the price of low-end desktops about the same for Macintosh and PC, and the high end notebooks of the Macintosh and PC persuasion likewise neck-and-neck - it is high time people consider the virtues of the Mac and the hassles of the PC.

Know why Apple did such a good business in their Apple retail stores last quarter?

I do not know any person who walked into one of those stores and did not make a decision to buy their first Mac or their first iPod, if they had never owned one before. I think that is the reason Apple did a billion dollars worth of sales out of those stores in the last quarter of 2004.


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