Johnny's Software Saloon

Weblog where I discuss things that really interest me. Things like Java software development, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Macintosh software, Cocoa, Eclipse IDE, OOP, content management, XML technologies, CSS and XSLT document styling, artificial intelligence, standard document formats, and cool non-computing technologies.

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Location: Germantown, Maryland, United States

I like writing software, listening to music (mostly country and rock but a little of everything), walking around outside, reading (when I have the time), relaxing in front of my TV watching my TiVo, playing with my cat, and riding around in my hybrid gas/electric car.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Speaking of computer games, Inform looks like a really serious way to create stories to play in

I just stumbled across a new programming environment called Inform that has grown up in the wake of the once incredibly popular Zork adventure games.

Zork was inspired by the original Crowther and Woods text-based role-playing adventure game called, appropriately enough, Adventure.

Unlike Adventure, which had a pretty limited parser (VERB-NOUN was about as smart as it got), Zork had a really smart natural language parser.

I think the original Adventure game was written in FORTRAN.

Zork was written in an object-oriented dialect of LISP called MDL. It ran on minicomputers, which were much more powerful than the desktop computers of that time. Not our time, however.

If you want a quick introduction to an enthusiasts impressions of the latest version, Inform 7, go read what 0xDECAFEBAD has to say about it in Inform 7 is insanely wonderful and full of words.


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