Johnny's Software Saloon

Weblog where I discuss things that really interest me. Things like Java software development, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Macintosh software, Cocoa, Eclipse IDE, OOP, content management, XML technologies, CSS and XSLT document styling, artificial intelligence, standard document formats, and cool non-computing technologies.

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Location: Germantown, Maryland, United States

I like writing software, listening to music (mostly country and rock but a little of everything), walking around outside, reading (when I have the time), relaxing in front of my TV watching my TiVo, playing with my cat, and riding around in my hybrid gas/electric car.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Installed Locomotive

I installed Locomotive this morning. It is an open source project that provides several handy things.

  1. Preconfigured environment(s)

  2. Easy creation of new rails projects

  3. Control over rails server for starting/stopping it

Locomotive is a Mac application. That means it is easy to install and uninstall on the Macintosh and you cannot run it on MS-Windows.

It really did make it easy to set up my first project. Once you do that, you can start running it. Note that it will not force you to enter a port number but it does need one in order to start it. If for some reason Locomotive does seems to refused to acknowledge the number you configure for your project, press the enter key while the cursor is in the field with the port number in it. That will make it take it.

You should be able to start the generated project immediately in Locomotive. Do it and then tell Locomotive to view it in the browser. You will be able to read instructions in the browser for what to do next. They are kind of vague though. Probably a good time to grab your Agile Ruby on Rails book!

Next step, write my rails application.

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