Johnny's Software Saloon

Weblog where I discuss things that really interest me. Things like Java software development, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Macintosh software, Cocoa, Eclipse IDE, OOP, content management, XML technologies, CSS and XSLT document styling, artificial intelligence, standard document formats, and cool non-computing technologies.

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Location: Germantown, Maryland, United States

I like writing software, listening to music (mostly country and rock but a little of everything), walking around outside, reading (when I have the time), relaxing in front of my TV watching my TiVo, playing with my cat, and riding around in my hybrid gas/electric car.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

oh, well got a Dell [notebook]

My mom had mentioned a week or two ago that she was having some problems with her Dell notebook.  She wondered if I could take a look at it.

While visiting yesterday, I did just that.

Both hinges on the Dell notebook computer were broken; a flat, plastic-tape encased, multiconductor, ribbon cable looked compromised/damaged; and wide copper strips that went through the hinge area area dimpled with a couple one half centimeter in diamter and 1-2 mm deep depressions.

All of this was exposed to the eye.

How old was the notebook?

About 6 years old.

How much did the notebook cost to buy?

Thousands of dollars?

What took it out, as they say?

A worn-out hinge.

I do not know about you, but to me, it seems rather silly that what what ultimately ends the life of an expensive computer system is something like a hinge.

I generally recommend that people who plan to only use their computer at home, generally in the same spot, do not get a notebook computer.

The parts cost more, the system has less capacity, has more weird ways to fail (try to even find a hinge on your desktop computer sometime), and probably has a weaker Wi-Fi receiver than a desktop computer. Batteries have to be replaced every 3-5 years because they wear out too. And, let us not overlook the obvious: their keyboard's suck!

Notebooks probably have even more problems that I have not mentioned.

My point is this: if you really do cruise coffee shops regularly with your notebook, go visit clients and show them your portfolio or work you have done for them, do sales/tech/marketing/tradeshow presentations, or are a student working on a 4-year degree - then, okay, yeah - you are probably notebook guy (or gal).

But if you are not one of those things and maybe just want to use your computer in a different room of the same house a couple of times per year - do not buy a notebook.

By not buying a notebook you will save money on the purchase price of your system, slash the price your extended warranty/support contract in half and at the same time extend its lifetime, get a computer with a slightly longer life, have a much nicer keyboard, enjoy faster-running software on a computer with more memory and disk capacity, have an easier time getting upgrades, get cheaper upgrades.

Yes, there are trade-offs. For most people, everything goes in favor of buying a desktop computer.

For everyone else, it is obvious your lifestyle/vocation demands you need a notebook so do not sweat it. Buy the notebook and accept its shortcomings/expenses. You can always buy an inexpensive Linux/Windows/Macintosh computer to keep on your desk at home or the office so you do not expose your notebook to excessive stress.

Like opening and closing it.

You probably thought I was going to make a nasty crack about Dell. Not so. This time the lesson learned is avoid notebook computers if you do not really need them, and beware that they are not as durable/powerful/affordable as their desktop-bound big brothers.

So-called desktop computers these days weigh only a few times more than notebook computers. Gone are the days where you had a carry a 30 pound CRT screen around. Now you have a light-weight LCD screen.

Computers now weigh only 10-20 pounds and are very small compared to what was being sold 5-20 years ago. You can lift one and move it because, unless you are a little kid, they do not weigh much more than your two arms.

Personally, I would not move a desktop computer around every day or every week, even. But, just do not buy a notebook computer because every once and a while you will want to use your computer in a different room.

My mother's new computer is an iMac with a 20-inch LCD screen. It is fast and has a gigabyte of memory in it. The keyboard is wonderful and she has 3 available USB jacks, not counting the ones used by the mouse and keyboard.

For most people, that iMac is the kind of computer you should be looking at for your home or office.

One more thing, as Steve Jobs often says.

You have read about all those reports in the news for the past year where a notebook computer containing valuable, sensitive, private information was stolen out of someone's home/car/office, right?

When was the last time you heard a national news report of someone's desktop computer being stolen?

Think about it.

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Friday, August 25, 2006

any year now - only 8 years behind

My interest in the JavaScript programming language has been rekindled of late.

There is a historical timeline of the JavaScript language in renowned computer programming language author Davad Flanagan's blog.

IE 6.0 ships with JavaScript 1.3, which of course is older/smaller/weaker than JavaScript 1.6 that was defined around 2004 and was supported in Firefox 1.5 when it came out in 2006. It is certainly even older/smaller/weaker than JavaScript 1.7 which will be supported by Firefox 2.0 when that browser ships in a couple of months (around October 2006).

I knew all that.

Here is what I did not know. JavaScript 1.3 came out in October 1998, when Netscape released the Netscape 4.5 web browser.

That was just 3 years and a few months after JavaScript and Java made their world debut in the Netscape web browser in mid-1995.

Basically, back then - JavaScript was a toddler.

I am really surprised to see such an old version toddling along in any currently distributed version of a web browser nearly 8 years later. One straggler from a commercial OS company still does, however.

A ton of stuff has changed a lot in the past 8 years. But some things have not, apparently.

I think the country and the world owes quite a lot to the champions of progress at Netscape corporation, Mozilla group, and now the Firefox/Thunderbird projects.

Not to mention David Hyatt who now works at Apple on the Safari web browser and codeveloped the beginnings of the Firefox web browser with Blake Ross.

These people have changed the world.

Well, most of it.

JavaScript is not so bad

I am starting to gain a lot of respect for JavaScript.

For over a decade I thought JavaScript was only a week little language, that got what little popularity it had not by being good, but by being created by the makers of the most successful web browser - and stuck in there.

I really enjoy having a compiler find my spelling errors, typos, syntax errors, undeclared variables, and so forth. Doing it myself is a pain. It slows me down, no question.

I love the fact Java fully supports OOP (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism) as well as a separation between type and state. I actually kind of prefer a language that is strongly typed ...most of the time.

However, I found a new function in JavaScript that I had never used or noticed before. I wrote a longer, more sophisticated program in it than I had ever written before. I bought a more comprehensive book on it than I had ever had before. I studied AJAX and I used more sophisticated JavaScript libraries than I had ever used before.

I noticed programmers were really making use of its lambda-like function called function. I decided that the .prototype trick was not so bad after all. I found I sort of could create classes with it, after all.

Now, I have to say - it is a powerful little language. And, it is not so little after all. Its libraries are not so bad either. Nothing compared to the giant class libraries you get with JavaScript and C# but JavaScript comes with a decent number of them.

I do look forward to the up-coming features of declarative type-checking and some other things like that.

However, in the meantime, JavaScript can be used for so much. XML, SVG, Canvas Element, HTML/XHTML, data structures (DOM or regular) - there are a lot of things that JavaScript can be brought to bear on.

I got David Flanagan's JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Fifth Edition (ISBN 0596101996) last night and started to read it, as well as look at the new examples that are online.

JavaScript is a cool language!

Yup, almost 11 years after I wrote my first JavaScript program, JavaScript has finally turned my head.

As for the book, I have to say I recommend it. I already found the 4th edition very helpful. It paid for itself rather quickly.

The new edition documents the cool things you can control with JavaScript: SVG (you can even create a functioning SVG element with the createElementNS method), Canvas element, XML (using E4X), invoke XSLT stylesheets, and so on. The 5th edition of the book finally exposes, explores, and explains all that.

Unless your browser is some stale, old thing from the 1990s, if you are are a web programmer in this decade - you really should by this book's 5th edition. Even if you already have the 4th edition on your bookshelf, you should get this new one. It really is good.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Angry Irish man threatening "Walk of Shame" gets free Intel iMac

Apparently Apple PR people are no slackers.

As humorous as the image of an impatient Irishman walking across a large portion of the country with an iMac G5 strapped to his back is, it didn't happen. Not shortly after his complaint hit the media, Apple Ireland got wind of news about the man with the plan and about ninety minutes later, he had a brand new Intel iMac at his door.

read more | digg story

ordered JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition last week

Hey, I just bought the 5th edition of Flanagan's famous JavaScript book. -- Online Catalog: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Fifth Edition:
The indispensable reference for JavaScript programmers since 1996,
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Fifth Edition is completely revised
and expanded to cover JavaScript as it is used in today's Web 2.0

JavaScript programming has become pretty much de rigeur these days so now I am trying to go from just knowing it to doing some wicked-cool things in it.

I have had write some AJAX-enabled web pageson my to do list for quite some time.

When the book arrives sometime in the next few days, I can really go to town.

By the way, I really liked his 4th edition of the book. Between it and a few web pages I googled, I was able to navigate the incompatibilities between IE and Firefox JavaScript.

I was amazed to see how far IE strayed from the Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape definition of the Event class. To say they have nothing in common except for the name would be pretty close to the truth.

The core DOM API methods/classes, thankfully, were much more compatible. I would say I was pretty much successful with my goal of compatibility without a lot of trial-by-error, so to speak.

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Friday, August 18, 2006 gets a home page makeover

Probably most long-time, avid web users have heard of

It is a so-called social website. I think the idea that bookmarking web pages is a social activity might be stretching the meaning of the word a bit.

I do think that it is a very handy site. And since I started using it a while back, they have added a lot of nice features to the site. Especially since Yahoo bought it.

They have a new home page. It is pretty nice. It shows some of the latest popular web pages. Both a thumbnail-sized photo of the page, its title/hyperlink, and its tags are shown. As well as, of course, the number of people who have bookmarked it.

For me, the biggest attractions of the site are that I can access my bookmarks from different browsers, and that I can tag each bookmark with various keywords, helping me find related pages very quickly.

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Yahoo! Developer Network - Python Developer Center

I like Python a lot. Python and Ruby are my two favorite programming languages. I have been using Python off and on for almost a decade.

It is very handy for working with text files, and I find I have to do that a lot. Not all the time but kind of in bursts.

Also, it is a very handy way to automate things I need to do with databases, display some info, create/modify some test data.

There are other ways to do it but I have found Python very convenient. Since there is a Java implementation, Jython, it can use JDBC drivers for instance.

Well, it is not exactly a secret that Yahoo and Google have parts of their systems written in Python.

Now Yahoo has created a Python Developer Center as part of their Yahoo Developer Network site.

Yahoo! Developer Network - Python Developer Center

It is nice to see that Yahoo's site to help programmers use their site better. The more creative Python programmers out there are probably already tooling some new things to make it easier to access Yahoo.

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Monday, August 07, 2006

Apple - Mac OS X Leopard Sneak Peek - Xcode 3.0

Looks like Apple has cooked up a doozie of a new Xcode for Macintosh programmers.

Apple descibes Mac OS X Leopard Sneak Peek - Xcode 3.0:
Xcode 3.0 delivers the performance you%u2019ve been asking for as well as innovations that let you create stunning Mac applications more quickly, with more features. Enjoy a graphical IDE in which form focuses your functions. Delight in a debugger so groundbreaking, you%u2019ll make mistakes just to see it in action.

I do not think they are kidding on this last point. I could see myself inserting a bug into a program I was writing just to see how the debugger handled it. Not right before shipping, of course.

Speaking of shipping. Notice how they mention 2006 at the bottom of the page.

I wonder if that means Leopard will be shipping in 2006.

It will be interesting to see if Leopard slides out of its den right after Firefox 2.0 comes out and before the Vista-né-Longhorn OS comes out.

There will be more competing going on in 2007 than has been seen in over half a decade.


By the way, the Xcode 3.0 on the page pointed to by the link above - it's free with Leopard.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Why I recommend "Virus of the Mind:: The New Science of the Meme"

by Richard Brodie

This is an excellent book with a powerful yet simple-to-understand notion for how ideas, once created, spread like wildfire.

And it explains how an unworthy, incorrect, and even harmful idea – can spread more easily than a truth or a solution to a problem, including those ultimately caused by the former.

A highly recommended read to all of the following:
  1. voters
  2. public speakers and celebrities
  3. school teachers and professors
  4. book, magazine, and article writers
  5. reporters
  6. politicians
  7. managers
  8. economists
  9. fashion-followers
  10. consumer and ethics watchdogs
  11. high school students
  12. diplomats
  13. people given to rioting and group hysterics

You can learn a lot from a book like this. This is good, practical knowledge.

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